Tuesday, November 26, 2019

English IV B.. Essay Example

English IV B.. Essay Example English IV B.. Paper English IV B.. Paper Essay Topic: Literature What does it mean to rebut something? to oppose using evidence or an argument Which of the following choices is a sound argument? All teachers wear vests. Mr. Gonzales does not wear a vest. Therefore, Mr. Gonzales is not a teacher. How do you know which counterargument to address? I select the strongest or the most popular counterargument Statistics that are used to draw conclusions about larger groups are called __________. inferential An examination of a school handbook from a local public high school shows that the expectations of students are more like laws by which a citizen must abide to live in a society. Respect the teachers position as leader in the classroom . . . sounds like a statement of a tyrant. These expectations seem forced upon the students with no freedom. If schools want students to be successful citizens, they should allow students to take the courses they want and let them breathe. Which change would make the evidence stronger? supporting the anecdotal evidence with empirical evidence by examining a range of school handbooks from various public schools What should you record on a note card if youre using the index-card organizational system? quotation, paraphrase, summary How is fraud related to plagiarism? Plagiarism is a kind of fraud. Who may be held responsible if found to have plagiarized? I. journalists and public figures II. professors and instructors III. students of any age I, II, and III How is media plagiarism different from academic plagiarism? I. Media plagiarism involves professionals in a public forum. II. Academic plagiarism involves students in a school setting. III. Media plagiarism involves only those who work on television. I and II Why should we all be concerned about plagiarism in the media? It affects societys trust in news outlets. Which of the following does not require attribution? I. information found in multiple sources II. information directly observed III. quotations from a public figures I and II Why is it wrong to plagiarize even if no one will find out? I. It violates societys ethical code. II. It denies the author of earned credit. III. It is dishonest and damages personal integrity. I, II, and III What is an in-text citation? giving attribution within the sentence containing the source material Which of the following activities are considered plagiarism? I. presenting someone elses work as your own II. paraphrasing information but crediting the source III. quoting someone without including quotation marks I and III When reading an article in a newspaper, readers __________. expect the information to be accurate and properly credited Which passage illustrates an in-text citation? In his inspiring inaugural address, John F. Kennedy said, [A]sk not what your country can do for you- ask what you can do for your country. World literature texts come from a variety of ___________. D. all of the above The theme of this world literature unit is ______________. B. self-discovery Why does Ravan wear a disguise when he comes to Sitas home? C. He is able to trick her into inviting him in. The study of effective writing and speaking while artfully using persuasion is known as __________. A. rhetoric Let us not discuss the economy of this country; let us also not discuss the spending habits of its citizens; and finally, let us not discuss the divide between the rich and poor; instead, lets talk about the best restaurants. Which type of rhetorical device is used in the above example? B. apophasis Which of the following scenarios would utilize traditional rhetoric as a means of persuasion? B. a speech by a classmate who is running for student body president During the 20th century, rhetoric came to mean more than just the art of persuasion. Which of following definitions correctly describes rhetorics broader meaning? B. any communication used to modify the perspectives of others https://media.education2020.com/evresources/2111975_i0030000.jpg Which component of a rhetorical argument is missing from the chart above? B. Ethics (ethos) All situations involving communication involve at least one of the following: an author with specific purposes, attitudes, and background ? a text in a particular medium, made with certain tools, and deciphered with certain tools a context in a particular time and place involving a certain community and conversation One of the characteristics from the list above is missing. Which of the following phrases correctly completes the list? B. an audience with equally specific purposes, attitudes, and background Which type of reasoning is used in the following statement? Kids like to play outside. Chase is a kid. Therefore, Chase likes to play outside. D. deductive reasoning Which of the following is NOT a main component of rhetoric? B. legos Which type of reasoning is used in the following statement? The wrestlers I have seen are flexible. Therefore, all wrestlers must be flexible. B. faulty reasoning Read the sentence below and answer the question that follows. If we do not act swiftly, we will be completely and utterly annihilated. Which type of rhetorical device is used in the above sentence? B. hyperbole Tony escapes awkward situations with great ease and without notice. He is a Houdini. What type of rhetorical device is used in the underlined sentence? A. eponym Band practice is at 7 a.m. before school. Max is a member of the school band. Max has band practice at 7 a.m. before school. Which of the following choices accurately labels the elements of the above argument? C. premise: Band practice is at 7 a.m. before school. Max is a member of the school band. conclusion: Max has band practice at 7 a.m. before school. All baseball players wear a uniform. Miguel is a baseball player. Which of the following choices is the BEST conclusion to this argument? A. Miguel wears a uniform. Counselors have advised Queen Elizabeth to - B. avoid crowds for fear of assassination ___________ help the group move towards a goal. D. Task roles How many stages of group development are discussed in the article Groups that Work. C. 4 There are _________ types of roles in group work. C. 3 Pooled resources and skills are ________________. C. one advantage of working as a group Expert power comes from __________. A. having expert knowledge on a subject The guidelines or expectations for team behavior are called ___________________. C. team ground rules _________________ help the group manage relationships A. Social roles Teams and groups tend to have very rigid rules and consequences. False. _____________ do not contribute to effective group work. B. Individual roles Maintain a 3.0 is an example of a ______________. B. team rule Group norms are _____________________. B. general, informal standards for appropriate group behavior Susan, lets not get upset about this. It doesnt matter if the paper is blue or yellow. Lets just have Michael decide; its part of his job assignment. Which group role does the statement above reflect? B. Social The consistent way you communicate with others in your group is your ___________. B. role Fran is doing a presentation on influential art from the Renaissance. Which type of presentation aid would be the best choice for Fran to use? D. the object itself Which of the following is an example of using a person as a presentation aid? B. demonstrating the latest haircut techniques using a friend as a model Which of the following is an example of a thesis statement? B. Joining the Red Cross is a simple way to become more active in your community. During the final development stage of a speech on a question of value you should ____________. B. identify common ground before moving to differences Demonstrating that your ideas are practical and reasonable is especially important when developing a speech on questions of _________. B. policy Regardless of the type of speech, it is important that your supporting materials are ________. B. credible How do you feel when you have to wait for something you really, really want? What if it was something you couldnt live without? Well, my cousin was five years old when he found out he needed a new kidney. He went on the organ waiting list right away. He was called twice during a six month span that they had a kidney available only to find out that the kidney wasnt a good match. He had to wait again. The third time was a charm. A small adult was in an accident and his kidney was a good match. This story had a happy ending but so many do not. The statement above, from the speech Organ Donation, is an example of ____________. B. attention getting material Which of the following is a question of policy? D. All of the above How many types of persuasive speeches are there? C. 3 Asking the question Why is this true? is a good way to generate _____________. C. main ideas To develop the main points for a speech on a question of value, you should ___________. B. ask Why is this good or bad Which of the following would be appropriate supporting materials to use in a persuasive speech addressing a question of fact? A. statistics Which of the following is a question of value? B. Is human cloning ethical? Violence on television does not lead to violent behavior is an example of a ___________. C. thesis statement Does violence on television lead to violent behavior? is an example of _____________. C. a question of fact When is the best time to make predictions about a text? A. before reading Which is a good strategy to use after you read to make sure you can remember the most important points? A. summarizing To make an inference about how Freddie felt about his visit to the hospital, which would you do? A. Think about how I would feel. When is the best time to ask the question, What do I still want to know? C. After you read because you can think about what you learned and what you still want to know. Metacognition is the awareness of ones own learning and thinking. True. Is the following sentence from paragraph 19 of the passage a fact or opinion? For now, the government allows it to be used only for minor surgeries in the chest and stomach areas. A. fact How does visualizing the section A Surgical Robot help you understand the passage better? A. Having a mental picture of the robot helps me to understand the questions that Freddie asks later in the passage. According to the passage, why wont the robotic surgical system replace surgeons? B. because the robotic arms need the guidance of a surgeon What kind of graphic organizer would best help you organize the information in paragraphs 22 and 24? D. an idea web Why is Freddie watching a surgical procedure? B. because he is writing an article about a new procedure that the hospital is using Previewing the format, content and purpose of a text ______________. D. all of the above With which of the following statements would John likely agree? D. All of the above. While I think learning a new language is one of the most exciting things about going abroad, I know many people would appreciate the comfort of easy communication while they are trying to adapt to a new culture in a place far from home. If this describes your personality, dont worry! Two of the most popular study abroad destinations are Great Britain and Australia. In the passage, the author is arguing __________________. B. that even students who do not speak a foreign language can study abroad Which of the following arguments would you expect to read in See the World! Study Abroad? D. There are many affordable study abroad options available to students. What is the definition of ardent? C. passionate Asking yourself the question, How can I best monitor and maintain my comprehension is _________. A. an important step in metacognition The definition of ___________ is, the money a student receives to help pay expenses while attending a university. D. financial aid Which of these correctly identifies an argument and counterargument. B. Argument: Experiencing a new culture will help you to understand the world. Counterargument: It will be difficult and unpleasant to experience a new culture. Which of the following counterarguments would you expect to find in the article See the World! Study Abroad? B. Study abroad programs are not worth the cost. Because shell be forced to jump in with both feet and learn, Sarah will find (with effort, of course!) she learns more of the language in her four month study abroad than she could have ever learned sitting in a classroom. It just makes sense that using a language everyday would help you to learn it quickly. And, Sarah was right on track to begin preparing for her trip by taking language classes before she left. Again, it is always better to plan ahead and prepare early! The author predicts ___________. C. Sarah will quickly learn the language as she uses it frequently on her study abroad. Identify the tone of the underlined word in the following sentence: Your problems are always so dramatic and trivial! ( trivial! is underlined) C. demeaning Preview the following photo and caption. Identify the best title for text: https://media.education2020.com/evresources/1096-07-03-03-00_files/i0060000.jpg Jury box a. Swearing in during Jury Selection c. Juries and Court Cases b. Juries around the United States d. none of the above A. Swearing in during Jury Selection Identify the tone of the following underlined word in the sentence below. My sister was fraught with emotion after she deleted her 20 page research paper. ( ..fraught.. is underlined) A. frustrated According to the author what is the foundation of the jury system. C. common sense and reasoned judgment of ordinary citizens Identify the tone of the underlined word in the sentence below: The ramifications of hitting your brother will be huge. ( ..ramifications.. is underlined) B. consequences What is the main idea of the article The Jurys Out? A. Jury selection system in the US is unacceptable and steps need to be taken to assure fairness. Identify the persuasive words in the following sentence: The flight from jury duty on the part of millions of Americans is a serious threat to the future of the system. D. A and B While some 80 million Americans have been called for jury service at some part of their lives, fewer than half ever sat on a jury. True. Preview the following photo and caption. Identify a goal setting you might use for the text: https://media.education2020.com/evresources/1096-07-03-03-00_files/i0050000.jpg Lawyer in front of a jury a. What is the role of the lawyer in the jury system? c. What does a jury do? b. What is a lawyer? d. none of the above A. What is the role of the lawyer in the jury system? Identify why American?s do not want to serve on a jury. D. all of the above Directions: READ the passage, and answer the question that follows. https://media.education2020.com/evresources/1096-06-01-02-00_files/i0160000.jpg What question is not answered in the passage? a. Who is Alexs teacher? b. What shapes can Alex identify? c. How many colors can Alex identify? d. Why might Alex have a bad attitude? B. What shapes can Alex identify? What is the best possible explanation for why the author does not explain what causes Hughes to become so strange? C. The information was not available. Which of the following an evaluation question? D. all of the above Directions: QUICKLY skim the passage, and answer the question below. https://media.education2020.com/evresources/1096-06-01-02-00_files/i0030000.jpg Based on your preview, what is the best goal-setting question for the passage? A. How did Snowball help to catch a killer? Directions: Read the passage, and answer the question that follows. https://media.education2020.com/evresources/1096-06-01-02-00_files/i0240000.jpg What is the best possible explanation for why the author waits so long to reveal that the babies had been switched? A. to create suspense Directions: READ the passage, and answer the question that follows. https://media.education2020.com/evresources/1096-06-01-02-00_files/i0160000.jpg Which question is not answered in the passage? a. What type of parrot is Alex? b. Where is Alex studied? c. How does Alex learn English? d. How high can Alex count? C. How does Alex learn English? Directions: READ the passage, and answer the question that follows. https://media.education2020.com/evresources//1096-06-01-02-00_files/i0080000.jpg Which is the best between-the-lines question to ask about the passage? C. Why dont female Asian elephants have tusks? Directions: READ the passage, and answer the question that follows. https://media.education2020.com/evresources/1096-06-01-02-00_files/i0080000.jpg What is a good beyond-the-text question for this passage? D. all of the above Directions: QUICKLY skim the passage, and answer the question that follows. https://media.education2020.com/evresources/1096-06-01-02-00_files/i0120000.jpg Based on your preview, what is an appropriate goal-setting question for the passage? D. all of the above Directions: READ the passage, and answer the question that follows. https://media.education2020.com/evresources/1096-06-01-02-00_files/i0140000.jpg What is a between-the-lines question to ask about the passage? D. all of the above. Directions: QUICKLY skim the passage, and answer the question that follows. https://media.education2020.com/evresources/1096-06-01-02-00_files/i0060000.jpg Based on your preview, what is the best goal-setting question for this passage? C. What are the similarities and differences between Asian and African elephants? Forensic Scientists It is the job of law enforcement officials to arrest criminals. Then they must convince judges and juries beyond a reasonable doubt that the right person was arrested. According to this principle, the judge and jurors must be fairly confident, based on the evidence, that the accused person is guilty. The work of forensic scientists begins with collecting the evidence at a crime scene. Along with police investigators, forensic scientists examine the crime scene. Investigators must be careful not to upset anything at a crime scene. They must make sure nothing new is added. Every possible piece of evidence is photographed or videotaped before it can be taken away. At a crime scene, investigators search for all the clues involved with the crime. They dust for fingerprints. They scrape up small bits of evidence using scalpels. Small, angled mirrors, like the ones dentists have, are used the see beneath heavy furniture. Tweezers are used to pick up fibers. Of course, investigators must be consistent when labeling where each piece of evidence was found before it is stored in a bag. The evidence is then sent to forensic labs. At these labs, scientists administer tests to determine whether the evidence is connected to the crime. Forensic scientists look for answers to questions about how a crime occurred. Finding answers is the job- and ultimate reward- of a forensic scientist. Which of these questions is answered in the reading? C. What do investigators do at a crime scene? Directions: QUICKLY skim the passage, and answer the question below. https://media.education2020.com/evresources/1096-06-01-02-00_files/i0030000.jpg Which is not a feature in the passage above which you can use to ask a goal-setting question? D. header A doctor must follow _______________ guidelines to protect his/her patients privacy. D. ethics A(n) ______________ evaluates those involved in trials. A. forensic psychiatrist When you create questions about a text, it is helpful to use _______________. B. question words The sentence, While it may seem like psychiatrists help people get away with murder or other violent crimes, in reality, they play an important role in the criminal trial process. is the __________ of the essay. A. conclusion Which word (or phrase) should be emphasized in this sentence, to communicate the persuasive tone? While it may seem like psychiatrists help people get away with murder or other violent crimes, in reality, they play an important role in the criminal trial process. C. in reality What is the overall tone of Forensic Psychology and Ethics? A. serious Opinion is another word for ____________. D. subjective The question, What is appropriate in the courtroom? is an example of a(n) ____________. C. open-ended question Occasionally, forensic psychiatrists have ____________ which makes many people wonder if they should be allowed to testify. D. made up a syndrome for the defendant Which of the following is a consequence if a forensic psychiatrist lies in court? A. He/She can be sent to jail. Forensic psychiatrists can help juries ________________. A. understand the defendants mental state The author argues that testifying in court does not violate confidentiality rules because ____________. B. the defendant knows that the results of the evaluation will be presented as evidence. The author of Forensic Psychology and Ethics would most likely agree with which of the following statements? B. There is sufficient evidence to demonstrate that psychiatric evaluations are scientifically valid. Reasoning is _______________. B. using logic to make a judgement based on evidence I dont think that Cheetahs are cheating. And I am uncomfortable with the talk of cyborgs and transhumans that surrounds this case. These stories will get harder, not easier, over the next years. But as a fan of Masazumi Soejima, I dont think that racing on a separate track is an insult. Its still the right place for the fastest man on no legs. Which statement correctly summarizes the authors views on Oscar Pistorius using the Cheetah prosthesis to compete in the Olympics? B. The author feels that Oscar Pistorius should not compete in the Olympics. Misfortune is another word for __________. B. adversity The definition of ____________ is a remarkable or outstanding person. D. phenom Inferences must be supported by ____________. B. evidence Michael Sandel, author of The Case Against Perfection, warns that part of what we admire about great athletes is that we are able to see ourselves in their human achievements. Who would applaud the bionic Olympiad? Based on the passage above, which statement correctly summarizes Michael Sandels feelings about technologically enhanced athletes? B. Michael Sandel feels that using technology to enhance athletes takes away from the very things we admire about those athletes What is the definition of prosthesis? D. an artificial device used to replace a missing body part I take nothing away from the athleticism and grit of Soejima. But it goes without saying that he didnt beat Cheruiyot. Those who compete on foot and those who compete with wheels are categorically different. And succeed in different categories. Based on the passage, what inference can you make about the authors feelings about athletes like Masazumi Soejima? B. She feels that athletes like Masazumi Soejima ought to compete in their own categories. Because the article, Bionic Athlete, is an editorial, the reader can infer that ____________. B. much of the article reflects the authors opinion Some years ago, I questioned a beauty pageant in which the contestants had been surgically altered and implanted. They didnt owe their beauty to their maker but, rather, to their re-maker. In this passage, the author compares _____________ to surgically altered beauty pageant contestants. A. athletes who compete with technological assistance

Friday, November 22, 2019

Avoid Over-Fertilizing Your Trees

Avoid Over-Fertilizing Your Trees Well-meaning homeowners who want to stimulate growth or promote health in their landscape trees often feed them with fertilizers. Unfortunately, too much of a good thing can have the opposite effect and can actually harm your trees. In normal landscape soils, many trees require no feeding at all, and if you do feed them, its critical that you use the right fertilizers in the right ratios.   The Right Fertilizer With the Right NPK Ratio Trees are usually grown for the appeal of their green foliage, so the best fertilizer is one with a relatively high ratio of nitrogen, which promotes green growth. Unless your soil is deficient in potassium or phosphorus (a soil test can tell you this), fertilizers for trees should have a high nitrogen number in the N-P-K designation.   A good choice is a fertilizer with an N-P-K (nitrogen-potassium-phosphorus) ratio of 10-6-4, preferably in a slow-release formulation.  Slow-release formulations are usually non-liquid products that use granules that are released gradually into the soil.   Although balanced fertilizers, such as 10-10-10 products, can be helpful for many flower and vegetable gardens when used with discretion, such fertilizers can have a bad effect when applied to the soil beneath trees. Excessive amounts of these nutrients can create too much mineral salt in the soil, which will harm the beneficial soil microorganisms  necessary to healthy trees.   Stay at less than .20 pounds of nitrogen per 100 square feet of root zone application area, depending on tree species and size. Any time you exceed this recommendation, you will create a situation for on-site contamination or the potential for runoff pollution into lakes and streams. Extreme contamination of soil can harm the site for a very long time. The Effects of Excessive Fertilization on Trees You can actually kill a tree if you apply too much fertilizer. Applying high levels of quick- release nitrogen can burn the roots when applied to the soil and can burn the foliage when applied as a foliar spray or drench. And if the fertilizer contains too much potassium and phosphorus, it creates excessive soil salts that trees may be unable to tolerate.   The most common ways to over-fertilize a tree include: Over-use of fertilizers that contain an equal ratio of all three essential nutrients (nitrogen, potassium,  and phosphorus)Applying more fertilizer than the standard recommended application rate suggestsUsing fast-release rather than time-release fertilizers Any or all of these mistakes will increase the chance of root damage to your tree. Too much fertilizer introduces toxic salt levels that not only harm the tree  but also make the site unsuitable for future planting.   Symptoms and Treatment for an Over-Fertilized Tree Symptoms of a tree that has been over-fertilized include: A crust of fertilizer visible on soil surface beneath the tree drip zone (the area of the ground beneath the spread of the branches)Yellowing, wilting, and browning on the trees foliage, starting at tree leaf tips and marginsA tree that starts to drop leaves before dormancy  begins.   The tree may survive and the site can be much improved if you do a fairly simple, three-part treatment as quickly as possible: Remove the dying or wilting leaves, if you have any, to reduce fertilizer remnants in the tree itself.Water the fertilized area of the soil thoroughly to a flushing point. Copious supplies of water will be necessary to flush excess fertilizer from the soil.  Cover the critical root zone with a natural plant-based mulch- preferably composted leaves and grass.  Perform a second water flush over the composted mulch.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Competence based assessment Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Competence based assessment - Case Study Example Although Finch initially denied having a drinking problem, he later revealed that he had a long history of drinking. His drinking problem had subsequently contributed to his lose of jobs and divorce. Upon conducting Finch’s examination a number of elements factored into the decision process. The general recognition that Finch was hearing voices was one of the most pervasive symptoms. Hearing voices has been prominently linked to symptoms of schizophrenia. While it is possible that Finch’s symptoms were physiological, the ear examination revealed that rather than being an actual physical issue, they were directly attributable to psychological dysfunctions. As such the next effort was made to determine whether Finch suffered from schizophrenia. The DSM-IV distinguishes between paranoid, disorganized, catatonic, undifferentiated, and residual schizophrenia. It was easy to rule out catatonic schizophrenia as the individual was moving and speaking. Conversely, catatonic schizophrenia generally is comprised of immobility and silence among patients. Disorganized schizophrenia is recognized as constituting thought disorders as well as the flat affect. The flat affect const itutes inappropriate emotion and affect. This is significant, as the flat affect does not exist in paranoid schizophrenia. Additionally, disorganized schizophrenia is recognized as an extreme form of schizophrenia that greatly limits social functioning. In this way it appears that Finch would not be diagnosed with disorganized schizophrenia. Conversely, paranoid schizophrenia is recognized by the Mayo clinic as constituting, a chronic mental illness in which a person loses touch with reality (psychosis). The classic features of paranoid schizophrenia are having delusions and hearing things that arent real. With paranoid schizophrenia, your ability to think and function in daily life may be better than with other types of

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Achieving a goal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Achieving a goal - Essay Example I was born in Saudi Arabia and ever since my childhood, I had set my goals and ambitions. I wanted to move ahead in my career and achieve the best possible education so that I could excel in my field. I dreamt of going to the United States for the purpose of studying English and then getting enrolled in a university for the attainment of quality education. I kept on working towards my aim and I was very focused and determined to fulfill my goal. I believe that hard work never goes unpaid and my hard work was also not wasted. I succeeded in achieving my goal and hence proved the fact that determination and hard work can make a person succeed. I am a Saudi national and I completed the initial years of my studies in Saudi Arabia. I aspired to learn English language and have a good grip over the language. English is an international language which is understood and spoken globally. It is for this purpose that I wanted to speak this language fluently and be able to communicate as well as understand English perfectly. I was focused to attain this goal and to accomplish this aim in the best possible manner. I needed a good stand in the form of an institution that would provide me with classes of English language up to the international standards. At the same time, my other objective was that I wanted to pursue my further studies in the United States owing to the fact that I wanted to obtain quality education which would make my future secure as well as broaden my knowledge and perspectives. I understood the fact that by enrolling in a University in the United States I would actually gain good knowledge and I would have a good stand in my field and profession. I kept this aim in my mind and I continued to study in school in Saudi Arabia. I was very ambitious and hence I was fully aware of the fact that I would have to struggle all along to fulfill my aims and aspirations. I got a chance and I moved to the United States for the purpose of increasing my knowledge and edu cation. My first aim was to learn English language which would assist me in gaining further education. I was well aware of the fact that if I did not learn English in a proper manner, I would not be able to pursue my further studies at the university without difficulty. I joined an English school. It was not very easy to cope up with the lessons but I put in all my efforts as I did not want to let go of my goal after being so near to accomplishment and success. I worked hard all along and my efforts did not get wasted. I finally completed my course of English language and this achievement made me even more confident. It served as a push for me that I should stick to my aim and move ahead and start to search for good universities for further studies. I was very motivated and I now wanted to see myself graduating from a University in the United States. I understood the fact that this was my second goal and it would not only make me happy but it would also be a reason of pride for my f amily in Saudi Arabia. I applied for enrollment in many universities and I succeeded in getting admission in one of the universities of my choice. I am now enrolled in a university in the United States and doing my first semester. I fulfilled my goals and made my dream come true. A person should always keep on striving and working hard towards achieving what they want. I set a goal for myself ever since I was a child. I was very determined and I put in all my efforts so that I could fulfill my goals and succeed in my career as well as my life. I learnt English in the best possible manner and I am currently a student in a reputable

Sunday, November 17, 2019

How Far Do Sociologists Agree That Education Benefits the Ruling Class Essay Example for Free

How Far Do Sociologists Agree That Education Benefits the Ruling Class Essay The debate outlined above suggests that some sociologists believe that education benefits the ruling class, however other sociologists may argue that education benefits everyone or just men. To address this issue I will be looking at both sides of the argument and I will assess to what extent sociologists agree that education benefits the ruling class. Some sociologists; such as Marxist agree with the statement above that education benefits the ruling class. One reason for this is that they believe that education brings about social class reproduction, to benefit them. This means that rich can afford to go to big successful private schools, and then go onto having successful jobs, whereas the poor will continue being poor, as they cannot afford to go to private schools and therefore will not achieve the same grades as the ruling class and will not get as well paid jobs. They believe that the working class do not achieve in education because of their material deprivation and cultural deprivation meaning that the working class will not achieve as much as the ruling class, as they cannot afford to buy books, tutors or equipment like the ruling class can. Another reason Marxists agree with this statement is because they believe that through education the wealthy learn to rule, and the working class learn to be ruled. They believe that there is a hidden curriculum where the working class learn respect, authority, punctuality and hard work. This will then prepare them to be obedient workers for the ruling class, who will then exploit them to make a profit. Furthermore, Marxists believe that education transmits ideology; this means it puts the working class in a false consciousness this means that the working class cannot see that education therefore they do not start to revolve, and do anything about it. According to Marxists meritocracy is just a myth, and education is not fair as it favours the wealthy. On the other hand, other sociologists such as functionalists disagree that education benefits the ruling class. According to the functionalism education benefits the whole of society. They believe that the main purpose of education is secondary socialisation; this is where pupils learn important norms and values e.g. respect, manners, punctuality, and hard work. They learn this through social control and sanctions; these sanctions could be punishments, rewards, formal or informal. Functionalists believe that education helps maintain order in society, and without order there would be chaos (anomie). They also believe that education provides a sense of national identity, like being a British citizen. Another reason that functionalists disagree with the statement is because they believe that education performs occupational role allocation, this is where pupils will get a job according to their talents or skills therefore the most talented or most skilled will get the highest paid jobs. Functionalists believe that education provides the institution of work with skilled workers; this is the idea of organic analogy, where each institution is society work together to benefit one another. Functionalists claim that education is a meritocracy and that education is fair and based on equality of opportunity. They also believe that education provides an opportunity of social mobility, where the working class can move up the social class system if they work hard enough. Another function of education is that it provides child minding, therefore when the child is at school it allows both parents to work and earn money. Another view this is the feminists view, they disagree that education benefits the ruling class, however they believe that education benefits men. They claim that the role of education is to benefit males, to maintain a patriarchal society, where men dominate society. They do this by socialising students into traditional gender roles, where the females learn to be a housewife and the males learn to be the breadwinner. This is achieved through subject choice, and career advice, these are often based on stereotypes. For example, males will learn engineering at school, whereas females will not more domestic subjects such as cooking and sewing. However, this view may not be as relevant today as since the 1980s girls have been achieving better at all levels, which suggests that society is now less patriarchal and girls now have more opportunities. After assessing both sides of the argument, it is evident that education does benefit both the ruling class, and the working class. I think this because although education doesn’t benefit the working class as much, it does teach them important morals such as not to steal etc., I also believe that the education does benefit the ruling class, as it teaches them skills for the future, however I feel as though education is no long patriarchal as girls are achieving better then boys. Overall, I have come to the conclusion that education benefits everyone, some maybe not so much, but I believe everyone gains from education whether it is skills to work, or morals.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Evaluating Retail Markets in Several Small Cities :: Retail Market Analysis

Due to the resent desire of expanding into one of the following three cities; Ann Arbor, MI, Lincoln, NE and Madison, WI that have been chosen for possible location sites. I Regina Molel, Junior Executive of Swifts’ researched and analyzed the best possible location to start up another Swifts’ boutique, due to the request of Swifts’ CEO, Taylor Swift. At Swifts’ Boutique there will be merchandise that will appeal to those around the ages of 15-24 years old. The ideal area for the new expansion would have a larger population of teenage girls as well as younger women that are within our age range. Our company will be looking for Economic Indicators such as Household Income Growth and Projected Future Job Growth. Site Selection is a key category for the reason that depending on the location selected could make or break a company, for this reason we will be looking at Mall Locations, retail Sales, Local Transportation, and Entertainment and Restaurants. Then finally there is the competition; Swifts’ will be looking into how many stores are there that have the same customer base and would be competing with our brand directly. Madison, WI and Lincoln, Ne both did very well in the category of Population. Madison has a Metro Population of 568,593, Lincoln has a Metro Population of 302,157, and Ann Arbor, MI with 344,791. As for Female Population, Lincoln was on top with a total Female Population of 129,462, then Madison with 118,377, and finally Ann Arbor with 57,779. Ann Arbor may seem like it is being beat in most of the categories but when it comes to our target market Ann Arbor is at the top with 31.8% of their population landing in the range of 15-24 years of age, next with Madison at a 22.1% and lastly, Lincoln with 19%. Looking in to the Economic Indicators is at the highest in Lincoln at .8% Household Income and 44.48% for Future Job Growth, then in Ann Arbor with .4% Household Income, 31.30% Future Job Growth and finally ending in Madison with 0% Household Income, and 36.78% for Future Job Growth. Within the three towns there are possible malls that Swifts’ could expand in that would be sui table. The Retail Sales falls into this category, Madison dominating the Women’s and Girls’ clothing with $382,503 in sales, next would be Lincoln with $218,360, and lastly Ann Arbor with $155,768.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Investment and Retirement Planning Essay

Introduction †¢ Retirement is the point where a person is not in any kind of employment /business/occupation. †¢ This usually happens upon reaching a determined age, when physical conditions do not allow the person to work any more. †¢ Retirement could also be due to personal choice-either due to adequate pension or personal savings or due to a regular unearned income like interest, rents etc. †¢ The retirement age varies from country to country but it is generally between 55 and 70. †¢ Certain jobs, which are of dangerous nature or of fatiguing nature, may have an earlier retirement age. Support and Funds †¢ Retired persons support themselves either through superannuation, pensions, savings or through family (earning children), as in Indian families. †¢ In some other countries the government provides the pension benefit to all its citizens. Retirement Planning †¢ Retirement financial planning refers to a collection of systems, methods and processes which support a family unit’s (client’s) desire to achieve a state of financial independence. †¢ It is a process of determining the financial goals at the point of retirement. †¢ It requires constant monitoring of the progress of the plan and then taking adequate remedial measures Need For Retirement Planning †¢ Increasing Life Span †¢ Low Returns In Conventional Modes Of Savings. †¢ Unintended Contingencies. †¢ Increasing Medical Cost. †¢ Diminishing Trend Of Joint Family System †¢ Inflationary Trends †¢ Absence Of Social Security Benefits By The State †¢ Pursuing Hobbies †¢ Falling Interest Rates Steps In Retirement Planning †¢ Decision retirement about the retirement age option. †¢ Setting of financial goals †¢ Saving of relevant amounts w.r.t. goals †¢ Investing in appropriate modes †¢ Calculation of net worth †¢ Regular monitoring of financial plan and incorporate the necessary amendments in the plan. Factors Affecting Retirement Planning †¢ Life style †¢ Personal values †¢ Nature of income- salaried, business or professional; stable job/non-stable job; private job/government job †¢ Number of years left for taking retirement †¢ Inflation rate †¢ Present net worth of a person †¢ Risk appetite of a person †¢ Services of a certified financial planner †¢ Conviction in the retirement planning effort †¢ Seriousness & perseverance for retirement planning Life Expectancy & Career Stability LIFE EXPECTANCY †¢ Life expectancy is the major ruler of retirement planning. †¢ As per the Indian context, still the importance of retirement planning is not clearly identified. †¢ With the increasing life expectancy, high standards of living and high expectations for the upcoming future, pressure is building up for fund allocation, to meet up the needs of retirement. †¢ Longevity of life expectancy has to be kept in mind while making out a retirement plan. †¢ Key factors to be evaluated while making out a retirement plan are present life style, income and capacity to save, family circumstances, level of inflation prevailing in the economy & the standard one would like to maintain at the time of post retirement INDIA & RETIREMENT PLANNING †¢ 90% per cent of India’s total working population is not covered for postretirement life. †¢ The main objective of retirement planning is to create a well funded and safe future for the client. †¢ Financial needs of the client needs to be clubbed between his/her current income and post retirement expenditure. †¢ To maintain up current life style one has to plan to save almost 65 to 85% of current income. Life Cycle †¢ Every phase of life cycle has a different level of income, expenditure and saving. †¢ The first phase of life cycle is the childhood where an individual has no earnings but certain amount of money is spent on him/her (school fees, clothing, food etc). †¢ Second stage comes where the individual may or may not start his real earnings or a stable career. †¢ In the third stage an individual enters a stable career and has good amount of earnings to save and start planning for his/her retirement †¢ Fourth & fifth stage is time period to save maximum and allocate maximum funds for the retirement planning. †¢ In the sixth stage comes the old age. At this stage the savings tend to reduce because of medical expenses, new expenses related to old age etc. †¢ The last two stages of the life cycle is the retirement period where the saving are utilized to cover the real retirement years or retirement costs. Career Stability †¢ Career stability is one of the most important factor which clearly needs to be evaluated to develop a retirement plan. †¢ Fund allocation for retirement is done with the help of surplus earnings of an individual during his/her pre-retirement period. †¢ Stable career and in return stable earnings provides a scope for having well planned and organized retirement plan †¢ Employers also have a important role in retirement planning as they contribute in pension plans other contribution plans etc. †¢ Career stability helps to draw clear anticipation of future earnings can be which helps in retirement planning Major Factors Affecting Career Stability †¢ Job Satisfaction: Job satisfaction covers the factors like the level of pay and benefits, the perceived fairness of the promotion system within a company, the quality of the working conditions, leadership and social relationships, and the job itself. †¢ Alternative opportunities: If the market is opening up for new jobs and careers and individual can provide his works onto those opportunities the career stability can embark for changes. †¢ Employer-Employee Relationship: This issue covers the factors like loyalty of an individual towards the employer, future protection provided by the employer, motivation, leadership, timely appraisals. †¢ Changing economic conditions: The economic conditions of a country like recession cycles, developing sectors, problems related to any particular sector private and public ownership etc also affects the career stability. †¢ There are also various policies and economic strategies of government related to employment & foreign investments etc which have a direct affect on employment scenario. PRE-RETIREMENT COUNSELLING Introduction †¢ It is an planning. interactive part of retirement †¢ In pre-retirement counseling all the basics of the retirement plan are drafted as per the needs and expectations of the client and as per the client’s present and anticipated financial conditions. †¢ Financial planner has to clearly evaluate the needs, attitude & lifestyle of the client to have a strong and trustworthy relationship with the client. Steps For Retirement Plan †¢ Inauguration Of Retirement Plan: Inauguration of retirement plan would depend on life expectancy. If the client starts accumulating funds for his/her retirement early, with small savings & less burden he will be able to achieve the goal. †¢ Desired Retirement Status: This would involve budgeting, income sources and proper asset management etc. Estimated expenditure and sources of income during the retirement years to the client have to be evaluated properly. †¢ Retirement Expenses & Sources Of Income: Clear identification of all the costs & incomes has to be made. Provisions for allocating 65 to 70% of current income for the retirement period should be drawn. Insurance With Retirement Planning †¢ Insurance plans with a cash back or whole life insurance are suitable because they provide insurance as long as the premiums are paid and also accumulates savings, thus it has a cash value. †¢ It also helps to pay off uncovered medical costs, funeral expenses & also acts as an income replacement for survivors. †¢ With increasing life expectancy, and other challenges a life insurance can provide a life-long, worry-free retirement and insurance protection. †¢ Major expenses of the retirement years are the health care costs, health insurance can act as a helping hand in that case to meet up these costs. 26/30 Estate Planning With Retirement Planning †¢ Estate planning is the process of accumulating and disposing of an estate to maximize the returns of the estate owner. †¢ Various tools of estate planning are used like Wills, Trusts, Gifts, Contributions & proper evaluation of Estate taxes. †¢ Estate planning should maintain out the costs of the property and should develop an estate plan to give proper and safe income generation. †¢ Estate plan will cover all the legal formalities and all the documentation regarding future transactions. Tax Planning With Retirement Planning †¢ Savings and investments are interconnected. †¢ Proper management of savings and investment results to tax benefits and these become very important at the time of retirement. †¢ Retirement planner must clearly evaluate the aspects of its liquidity, security, and the most important one the return and tax income over such investments. †¢ Proper tax planning can itself prove out to be a saving tool because with effective tax planning is basic foundation for effective retirement planning.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

House of the Scorpion and WALL-E

By: Jacob Bernhardt The book House of the Scorpion is very similar to the movie Wall-E. They both use propaganda to control the characters. In the book and the movie the people are under surveillance constantly so the people don't have freewill to do what they want. This is making the characters not act themselves. The book and the movie are both samples of dystopian literature. Wall-E is based in the future and The House of the Scorpion is not as modern. Wall-E was on earth when it was just covered in dust. In both the movie and the story people aren't allowed to be themselves. They are expected to be the same as everyone else. The robots and eejits are treated as the lowest characters. A couple examples of this are that eejits cannot go to school like the regular kids. The eejits aren't looked at as normal people and often are hated for this. The humans in Wall-E are not allowed to go where they wanted to go they had to stay in there hovering chair. They are all required to follow paths that are lit up all around the ship. The robots are used to take care of the humans and they must follow the same rules. If these rules are broken they are often punished and robots are taken to be rewired or fixed. The robots and eejits are always being watched and never have any privacy one bit. The eejits and robots are being ruled over. Matt is not allowed to do basic things like normal humans because he is an eejit. People hate him because of this and that causes him to not be allowed to do everyday things like other humans. Robots and humans in Wall-E are treated not much different. Humans are only allowed to follow paths for their chairs and not go off. If a robot acts up and doesn't do what they're supposed to they are taken to a room that had robots fixing the broken or bad ones to be repaired. The humans are under constant surveillance along with the robots. Robots and eejits are not allowed to be like the humans in both the story and movie. The people in both the story and the movie were expected to act a certain way and were punished if they were to express themselves differently. In the book Tam Lin was always the person he was expected to be until he decided to tell Matt why people were mean to him and why they treated him in a different way. This caused El Patron to get mad and Tam Lin was severely punished for his actions. This relates to the movie, The robots were never allowed to do anything differently like go off the glowing trails. This shows the dystopian characteristic of not being able to express yourself and to be different in anyway. Everyone must act the same and not express themselves or act out in any way. Both the book and movie heavily refer to dystopian characteristics. The book The House of The Scorpion and the movie WALL-E have a lot of references and relations to many dystopian characteristics. One of the main characteristics that show above the rest of them is the fact that they cannot be themselves. They are expected to be like everyone else. They would be in lots of trouble if they acted differently or broke the laws of where they are. Even in the book and movie dystopian characteristics were present. Both the movie and book were set in two completely different time periods.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Rich and Unhappy or Poor and Happy Essays

Rich and Unhappy or Poor and Happy Essays Rich and Unhappy or Poor and Happy Paper Rich and Unhappy or Poor and Happy Paper * Choosing a career that pays well, but makes a person unhappy, and choosing a career that   makes a person   happy,but does not pay well. What is the purpose of life? What is the one thing that truly matters in order to experience a meaningful, gratifying existence? Some people might say that love and happiness are all one needs in order to live a fulfilling life, where no amount of materialistic wealth will amount to the same level of contentment as a life where one’s career is something that one strongly believes in and has passion for. Others, however, might argue that the only path to an enjoyable life is when one is able to live luxuriously. To have the finest, rarest, most expensive items or clothing is to have value and importance in society, which in turn, makes life worth living. In order to reach this stage, necessary steps need to be taken even if it causes unhappiness doing so. Choosing a career that ensures a generous paycheck will guarantee a life filled with materialistic commodities, but it doesn’t guarantee the benefits of a career that entices them, such as the drive or desire to work and the gratification one feels that might affect their emotional well being for the better. Yet, Choosing a career that sparks interest and passion guarantees a feeling of fulfillment but may not guarantee a substantial enough pay to enjoy some of society’s luxuries, such as the ability to travel or not having to worry about putting food on the table which otherwise might lead to stress that is harmful to one’s health. In a perfect world, everyone would be able to choose a career that houses both aspects, but alas, that is not the way the world works. Should one choose a career that pays well, but makes one unhappy? Or should one choose a career that makes one happy, but barely pays the rent. A life filled with the luxuries that our society provides can be seen by many to be a much-desired way to live. For them, the end result overcomes the means to get there, such as a stressful, unrewarding career who’s only redeeming aspect is a substantial paycheck. The ability to purchase the materialistic objects of ones desires, such as a fancy car, or a big house, is enough for some people to put themselves through school in a programme that doesn’t stimulate them emotionally, or intellectually. Nevertheless, with the disposable income, one would be able to take part in activities outside of work that is enjoyable and stimulating, like traveling or going to various cultural events that are out of reach for those with lower incomes. However, while one may be enjoying life outside of work, the harsh reality is that one spends the majority of the week at ones job, so in reality, a huge portion of one’s life is spent in apathy and indifference if the work doesn’t invoke any sort of enjoyment. As this continues over the years, depression is likely to follow due to the constant dread and lethargy that goes along with the job, and the realization that it will be like that day in and day out for years to come. For those who choose this way of life, happiness equates to the number of possessions they gained with their hard earned money, regardless of the mundane work they had to go through in order to achieve it, unless of course, they realize they made a huge mistake choosing money over their actual dreams and aspirations when its already too late. Other people have a completely different view of life as the ones who value money in high regard. These people see the benefits of a life filled with things that give them satisfaction, with the choice of career being a huge component of it. When one decides to spend the rest of ones life doing something that one is passionate and excited about, the wage it garners wouldn’t be high on one’s list of concerns, especially if it means that waking up every morning wouldn’t be such a dreaded daily event. The mere thought of spending another day doing something one enjoys is enough to keep one motivated throughout the longevity of their career. There are a few instances however, that may cause certain hesitation. For example, a young aspiring artist might be satisfied with a one-bedroom that doubles as their studio while eating ramen noodles for breakfast, lunch and dinner for now, but what if down the road they decide they want to settle down and have a family before they are able to make a profit from their art, which might not never even happen in the first place? The pressure of this realization and the constant worry of having to make ends meet could be detrimental down the line. Soon, the joys that the job brings could be overshadowed by the stress produced by this situation. Fortunately, most people that choose to go down this path are able to make ends meet and are content with living in the simplest terms as long as their lives revolve around the career of their liking. The decision of choosing which career path to take is probably one the most important, tear-inducing decisions a person has to make in their lifetime. It will dictate the way their life will go from that day forward nd the means on which they must live by. Whether it is a career that will bestow significant financial gain, or a career that will bestow significant personal gain, the decision rests on the personal opinions of the individual’s definition of a happy life. Even though this decision is entirely subjective, there is a stat that is worth mentioning; over a third of an average person’s life is spent working. Is being able to by the latest Prada really worth hating a m assive part of one’s existence?

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Selected Quotes From Entertainer Madonna

Selected Quotes From Entertainer Madonna Much-acclaimed and controversial Madonna has lived a public life deliberately outrageous, and her words reinforce and further define her public image. Madonna has also spoken out on how she relates family and a private life to her carefully-crafted public image. Selected Madonna Quotations I am rich and famous. I have a talented and gorgeous husband and two beautiful children. I could go on. To be brave is to love someone unconditionally, without expecting anything in return. To just give. That takes courage; because we dont want to fall on our faces or leave ourselves open to hurt Never forget to dream. A lot of people are afraid to say what they want. Thats why they dont get what they want. Im tough, Im ambitious, and I know exactly what I want. If that makes me a bitch, okay. Sometimes you have to be a bitch to get things done. I became an overachiever to get approval from the world. I wont be happy till Im as famous as God. I always thought I should be treated like a star. The fact of the matter is that you can use your beauty and use your charm and be flirtatious, and you can get people interested in your beauty. But you cannot maintain that. In the end, talent is the only thing. My work is the only thing thats going to change any minds. I love horses. I think I may have been one of Henry VIII’s knights in another life, riding through a great forest. Listen, everyone is entitled to my opinion. I dont care anymore if people dress like me, now I want them to think like me. If I was a girl again, I would like to be like my fans, I would like to be like Madonna. Better to live one year as a tiger, then a hundred as sheep. I never wish I had a different life. I am lucky to be in the position of power that I am in and to be intelligent. Being blonde is definitely a different state of mind. I cant really put my finger on it, but the artifice of being blonde has some incredible sort of sexual connotation. Men really respond to it. I love blonde hair but it really does something different to you. I feel more grounded when I have dark hair, and I feel more ethereal when I have light hair. Its unexplainable. I also feel more Italian when my hair is dark. There are moments when I cant believe Im as old as I am. But I feel better physically than I did 10 years ago. I dont think, Oh God, Im missing something. I have the most perfect belly button. When I stick my fingers in it, I feel a nerve in the center of my body shoot up my spine. Ive always wanted to be taller. I feel like a shrimp, but thats the way it goes. Im five-foot four-and-a-half-inches. Thats actually average. Everything about me is average. Everythings normal, in the books. Its the things inside me that make me not average. Its not my nature to just kick back. I think passive beauties have their place in the world. Its hard for me to relate to that. People think they will wake up one day and Ill be gone. But Im never going away. I have the same goal Ive had ever since I was a girl. I want to rule the world. I sometimes think I was born to live up to my name. How could I be anything else but what I am having been named Madonna? I would either have ended up a nun or this. To me, the whole process of being a brush stroke in someone elses painting is a little difficult. Poor is the man whose pleasures depend on the permission of another. I stand for freedom of expression, doing what you believe in, and going after your dreams. When Im hungry, I eat. When Im thirsty, I drink. When I feel like saying something, I say it. That we are responsible for our own fate, we reap what we sow, we get what we give, we pull in what we put out. I know these things for sure. Id like to think I am taking people on a journey; I am not just entertaining people, but giving them something to think about when they leave. I am my own experiment. I am my own work of art. I try to have thick skin, but every once in a while I read something that someone says about me, and its so slanderous and moralistic and it has nothing to do with my music. I want to be like Gandhi, and Martin Luther King, and John Lennon... but I want to stay alive. Id love to be a memorable figure in the history of entertainment in some sexual, comic, tragic way. Id like to leave the impression that Marilyn Monroe did, to be able to arouse so many different feelings in people. I think the ultimate challenge is to have some kind of style and grace, even though you havent got money, or standing in society, or formal education. I had a very middle, lower-middle class sort of upbringing, but I identify with people whove had, at some point in their lives to struggle to survive. It adds another color to your character. I think you can be defiant and rebellious and still be strong and positive. Be strong, believe in freedom and in God, love yourself, understand your sexuality, have a sense of humor, masturbate, dont judge people by their religion, color or sexual habits, love life, and your family. I laugh at myself. I dont take myself completely seriously. I think thats another quality that people have to hold on to... you have to laugh, especially at yourself. I do it in most of the things I do, and most of the videos that I make and most of my performances. Even in my concerts there are so many moments when I just stood still and laughed at myself. In everyday life I am quiet and reserved, not the housekeeper type but cool and relaxed. I dont get up in the morning wearing false eyelashes and I dont wear fancy underwear when Im cooking popcorn. Im a nice little ducky. Quotes About Lifestyle Everyone probably thinks that Im a raving nymphomaniac, that I have an insatiable sexual appetite, when the truth is Id rather read a book. I dont trust any man who hasnt kissed another man. I liked my body growing up and I wasnt ashamed of it. I liked boys and didnt feel inhibited by them. Maybe it comes from having brothers and sharing a bathroom. The boys got the wrong impression of me at high school. They mistook forwardness for promiscuity. When they dont get what they want, they turn on you. I went through this period when all the girls thought I was loose and the boys said I was a nymphomaniac. The first boy I ever slept with was my boyfriend and wed been going out a long time. About singer Prince: He reeks of lavender. It turned me on, actually. Because Ive taken my clothes off in public doesnt mean that Ive revealed every inch of my soul. Sometimes I look back at myself and remember things I used to say, or my hairstyle, and I cringe I hate polite conversation. I hate it when people stand around and go, Hi, how are you? I hate words that dont have any reason or meaning. Also I hate it when people smoke in elevators and closed in places. Its just so rude. You have to be patient. Im not. I miss New York. I still love how people talk to you on the street - just assault you and tell you what they think of your jacket. I know the aspect of my personality, being the vixen, the heartbreaker and the incredibly provocative girl is a very marketable image - but its not insincere. You just cant take it seriously. The worst thing about being famous? I think its what everybody says... the lack of privacy and the idea that youre not really allowed to make mistakes and everything that you do is viewed under a microscope. I think my biggest flaw is my insecurity. Im terribly insecure. Im plagued with insecurities 24/7. I have had many challenges in my life, including some very big ones when I was young and Ive learned a lot of valuable lessons along the way. I have seen life from just about every angle you can see it from. I was sacked from Dunkin Donuts for squirting the donuts jelly all over the customers. I wouldnt have turned out the way I was if I didnt have all those old-fashioned values to rebel against. Quotes About Gender and Race Not only does society suffer from racism and sexism but it also suffers from ageism. Once you reach a certain age youre not allowed to be adventurous, youre not allowed to be sexual. I mean, is there a rule? Are you supposed to just die? Im not a feminist, Im a humanist. Straight men need to be emasculated. Im sorry. They all need to be slapped around. Women have been kept down for too long. Every straight guy should have a mans tongue in his mouth at least once. Quotes About Family My father was very strong. I dont agree with a lot of the ways he brought me up. I dont agree with a lot of his values, but he did have a lot of integrity, and if he told us not to do something, he didnt do it either. Im anal retentive. Im a workaholic. I have insomnia. And Im a control freak. Thats why Im not married. Who could stand me? Im a very old-fashioned girl. Marriage is a great thing when its right. And I did celebrate it and embrace it, and I wanted the whole world to know that this was the man I loved more than anything. But theres a price to pay for that, which is something I realize now. Ever since I was in high school, when I was madly in love with someone, I was so proud of that person. I wanted the world to know that I loved him. But once you reveal it to the world, and youre in the public eye, you give it up, and its not your own anymore. I began to realize how important it is to hold on to privacy and keeping things to yourself as much as possible. Its like a runaway train afterwards. I could probably bring up a child as normal as I can live my life. I surround myself with people who dont treat me like a celebrity or a freak or whatever, and I would do the same with my child. Im not interested in being Wonder Woman in the delivery room. Give me drugs. My having a child is not for public consumption. Its not a career move. Its not a performance to be judged or rated. Nor is my role as a mother. Family is everything. Family comes first. Its not what I expected it to be, but nothing ever is. The last thing I want is to raise a brat. We could definitely go down the wrong road. I dont want Lola to have everything she wants. I want her to appreciate things, and not to be presumptuous. I want her to have manners and social graces. Ever since my daughter was born I feel the fleetingness of time. And I dont want to waste it on getting the perfect lip color. Lourdes really is the love of my life. I dont want to traipse around with nannies and tutors. I think its important for children to stay in one place, to socialize with other children. Obviously, my tastes and my priorities have changed, Just because Im a mother doesnt mean Im not still a rebel and that I dont want to go in the face of convention and challenge the system. I never wanted to think in a robotic way, and I dont want my children to think that way, either. I think parents should be constantly questioning society. Quotes About Faith With the crucifixes I was exorcising the extremes that my upbringing dwelt on. Putting them up on the wall and throwing darts at them. And the Boy Toy thing was a joke, a tag name given to me when I first arrived in New York because I flirted with the boys. All the graffiti artists wore their nicknames on their belt buckles. Catholicism is not a soothing religion. Its a painful religion. Were all gluttons for punishment. It is difficult to believe in a religion that places such a high premium on chastity and virginity. When I get down on my knees, it is not to pray. I would like to see the Pope wearing my T-shirt. I loved nuns when I was growing up. I thought they were beautiful. For several years I wanted to be a nun. I saw them as really pure, disciplined, above average people. They had these serene faces. Nuns are sexy. I think that life is a paradox and you have to embrace that in your work and your belief systems ... you cant be a literalist, and thats the trouble that people always find themselves in. Thats why people always hit a wall with any of my stuff, because you cant take it literally. Quotes About Madonna Britney Spears I would really, really, really like to be a legend like Madonna. Madonna knows what to do next, and when shes performing, the audience is just in awe of her. I performed at Mom and Dads party when I was four. Oh my gosh, I was singing a Madonna song and I peed myself. Cher No one knows how to work this business like she does. Susan Sarandon The history of women in popular music can, pretty much, be divided into before and after Madonna. Rosie ODonnell She is no symbol. She is human. More brilliant than most. The real deal. Miley Cyrus Madonna always reinvents herself, and thats what I want to do. Whatever comes my way that sounds good, thats what I want to do. Whether its designing clothes or photography or whatever. Gwyneth Paltrow Shes like an older sister. Everything I have gone through, she went through ten times worse and ten times longer. She gives me good advice about how to say no and take care of myself. Tori Amos Madonna’s sound was made for the dance floor when she epitomized the New York club kid; it got a bit closer to rock when she started presenting herself that way, connected with RB when her image became softer again, went New Age techno when she got into spirituality, and so on. Fashion has become a part of the musical exploration and experience. Sean Penn She was in the process of becoming the biggest star in the world. I just wanted to make my films and hide. I was an angry young man. I had a lot of demons and dont really know who couldve lived with me at the time. I was just as badly behaved as her, so I cant point the finger of blame. Sarah Jessica Parker Madonnas probably the most disciplined person around and so I can only pale in comparison. Its just too impressive. Michael Moore If we had a royal system shed be the queen of Michigan and all the Michiganders would bow down to her, and Im not kidding. Shes a person with a good heart; she does a lot of good for other people. I really admire her. Beyonce It all works for Madonna. I mean, I couldn’t do a lot of the things she does, but it works for her.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Financial Analysis of Custom Snowboards Inc Term Paper

Financial Analysis of Custom Snowboards Inc - Term Paper Example As we are aware that there has been an immense amount of economic turmoil all around the world. Custom Snowboards Inc. was also severely impacted as the customers decreased their expenditure on leisure and sports. However, the company did not have to suffer like other companies did and it suffered from a 4% decline in Sales. Horizontal Analysis An increase in Sales Expenses are fairly consistent Interest income increased by 28% and interest expense decreased by 5% Current assets increased by more than 100% and total assets by 3.6% whereas total current liabilities had no significant impact Retained Earnings increased by more than 70% Vertical Analysis Gross Profit is 30% of Sales General and admin expenses are less than 20% of sales on average during years 12, 13, & 14 On average, current assets constitute approx. 50% of the total assets Cash comprises of more than 15% of the total assets and has the highest constituency whereas receivable come second Current Liabilities are under 10 % of the Total liabilities and equity Trend analysis - Trend analysis is the percentage changes in items of the financial statement during successive years. We can also call it an extension of the Horizontal Analysis and indicates the direction of change. The snapshot shows the sales trend during years 12, 13, & 14 respectively. ... dit risk Loaned out funds wont be no longer available for operational and other bank use Risk of incorrect assessment of interest rate (Fitzsimmons,n.d.) The bank also looks at several other things in a company's financial statements. It also looks at the Debt-ratio, Interest Coverage ratio, current income status of the company as well as its credit history and overall stability of the Enterprise. Custom Snowboards Inc. Debt-ratio is currently 49%, which is less than its competitor. Moreover, another red flag comes when we look at the Financial Statements, specifically the Income Statement and see that Net Income has suffered a sharp decline by 74% due to a sharp decline in Sales. As the bank is concerned with the stability, the declining sales and income statement pose a risk to the lender in terms of ability of Custom Snowboards to cover its debt. Risk Mitigation Credit Risk is the major risk that banks are concerned with, The financial statements of Custom Snowboards Inc. show sta bility and gradual growth The trend analysis shows that the sales would grow gradually making sure that the company would be able to meet its obligations Horizontal and vertical analysis show that the company is not under huge current and long term liabilities and the expenses are not very high Custom Snowboards Inc. is a growing concern As far as the debt-ratio is concerned, a positive aspect is that although it is higher than the competitor, it has declined from last year. The company's Income Statement does not show a very positive picture, however, it is mainly due to the massive economic recession. Moreover, if we look at the Balance Sheet, we that the Working Capital is positive and the company has enough financial strength to meet its short term obligations and remain operational.